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Topic: Daniel Chapter 1: Message Outlines

Daniel 1:1-2 (1)

by Darrel Cline

<> (Download Audio) Daniel

Chapter One

Specific Text:1:1-2

Paragraph # 1 Study # 1

August 7, 2022

Broadlands, Louisiana

Thesis:   The Book of Daniel is rooted in Prophecy and Law and is a revelation of many specific prophetic events

and the outcome of Law.

Introduction:   As we said last Wednesday in our introductory study of the issue of Developing a Biblical Perspective, "prophecy" is one of the two foundations of our claim that the Bible is the very word of the only, and infinite, God. As a detailed presentation of a host of prophecies, Daniel stands as, perhaps, the most important book in the Old Testament in that its prophecies validate the legitimacy of the entire Old Testament It has this to recommend itself to our study: the Book of Daniel forces the conclusion that Jesus of Nazareth was/is The Christ of The Infinite God.

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