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Topic: Romans 9-11 Chapter Nine: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 9:19-29 (5)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 9 Paragraph # 4 Study # 5
April 1, 2018
Humble, Texas
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   The other side of the "Life" issue is the revelation of what is called "the riches of His glory".

Introduction:   As we have seen thus far in our studies, the Larger Plan of God is seriously involved in making sure that creatures of personhood (angels and men) have the resources available to them to come to grips with at least a comprehensive understanding of the truth about God, at least in terms of having something to understand about each of the attributes of God. This is a critical issue in view of God's declaration that "Life" is His goal. "Life" has certain requirements, the most fundamental of which is an accurate grasp of the truth about the essential nature of God. Thus, the previous step in this larger plan was the dealings of God with creatures that focused upon the issues involved in His "Justice" and its attendant characteristics. This step, Paul argues, was a "tolerated" step in that God allowed the emergence of Sin even though it thoroughly irritated Him. We argued in our last study that "tolerated" is the correct concept regarding the origin of Sin and the divine permission of its on-going existence. Then, there came the next step; that revelation involved in the issues of God's "Grace" and its attendance characteristics. This is the step that is in focus for our study this evening.

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