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Topic: Luke's Perspective of Jesus: Ch. 1 Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Luke 1:26-38 (6)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter 1 Paragraph 3 Study # 6
January 25, 2004
Lincolnton, N.C.
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Thesis:   To be "Jesus", Mary's Son had to be both "Son of the Most High" and "Son of David".

Introduction:   When we considered Luke's record of the greatness of Jesus last week, we noted that the reason for bringing "greatness" into the picture was to set the stage for our developing understanding of why it is important to be "great". It is very apparent from both the text and our personal experience that being "great" is enormously important to all of us. To understand this from our experience, all we have to do is ask ourselves one question: Why does being spoken evil of upset me? The answer is simple: I want to have a good reputation in the eyes of others rather than a bad one. This is nothing more or less than the desire to be great. To understand this from the text, all we have to do is look at the reactions of those involved in the story when they find themselves being treated as "great". They are all filled with joy by the experience. But, this does not answer the specific question of why Luke wanted us to know that "Jesus" was going to be "great". The answer to that is completely tied up in His identity. He was to be "great" because He was to be known as God's chosen King for God's promised Kingdom. But there is a divine twist in this identity: the King will establish the essential nature of the Kingdom and the Kingdom is only of value if it is not a "divided house". The only way it can be a "united house" is if everyone in it has the outward focus that characterizes servants who are servants from the heart. Thus, the greatness of Jesus as the King, and the greatness of every one of His subjects, is tied to the issue of servanthood. Jesus' "greatness" comes from His total commitment to servanthood. Any "greatness" we will achieve will, likewise, be absolutely tied to the degree of true servanthood that characterizes us. In a nutshell, that is the point of Luke's comment about Jesus and His greatness. This morning, we are going to look at another, but connected, aspect of Jesus' greatness. This aspect has to do with His identity as a "son". The text before us tells us that Jesus had two identities as a "son". It tells us that He was "to be called the Son of the Most High", and it tells us that the Most High was going to give Him the throne of "His father, David". So, Jesus was both the Son of the Most High and the Son of David. Why?

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