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Topic: Romans 9-11 Chapter Eleven: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 11:17-24 (3)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 11 Paragraph # 4 Study # 3
February 10, 2019
Humble, Texas
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   There exists a great danger to those who are grafted into the "tree" of God's "People".

Introduction:   In Romans 11:13-17 Paul makes the claim that the infinite God determined to pursue "Israel", as the offspring of Abram and the fulfillment of the promise to Abram that he would be the "father" of a "great nation", by the difficult "method" of "jealousy", and that this pursuit would endure until the point in time to which Paul points in 11:26 when "all Israel shall be saved". According to Zachariah 12, that "point in time" will come along with the great battle of Armageddon.

In this extended text, Paul lays claim to the divine methodology (11:13-14) and puts his "calling" to be the apostle to the gentiles front and center. Then, as such, he lays out how God, in the production of the required "jealousy", has "broken off" the unbelieving branches that existed in "the people of God" tree that were specifically "hardened Israelites" and "grafted" believing branches from the gentiles into that "people of God" tree.

And now, because he knows of a grave danger for his "gentiles", he warns them concerning their reaction to being "grafted into" the "people of God tree". This warning is expressed in 11:18-22 and boils down to a declaration that if they do not take heed, they "also shall be cut off".

Because this warning is real, and because we now live in a theological setting wherein the warning is greatly misunderstood, we are going to spend some time looking into what it is that Paul actually said.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.