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Topic: Romans 9-11 Chapter Eleven: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 11:17-24 (6)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 11 Paragraph # 4 Study # 6
March 3, 2019
Humble, Texas
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   There is supposed to be a "tension" within us regarding the degree to which we embrace the fundamental issues of both "Faith" and "Fear".

Introduction:   In our studies of the Scriptures in general and in our interaction with Paul's words in Romans 11, we have seen that Paul presses two, seemingly contradictive, concepts upon us. On the one hand, he presses us to "believe" in our security in Jesus Christ before God our Father. The capstone of this pressure is Romans 8:34-39. The "point" of this pressure is to bring us into "rest" regarding our eternal destiny and to get us to fixate upon the peace we have with God and to rejoice in hope of the glory to which God is going to bring us (Romans 5:1-2; Hebrews 2:10). But, on the other hand, he also presses us to be "warned" that this sense of security is not applicable to us if we do not "continue to believe" in God's methodology for bringing us into Jesus Christ; a methodology of "Grace" that results in "the humility of faith". The "point" of this pressure is to turn us away from the potent temptation to succumb to what John calls "the pride of life" (Authorized Version translation of 1 John. 2:16). The overall reality, then, is that "faith in Grace" leads us to "rest" and that any departure from such "faith in Grace" destroys our experience of that "rest".

Now, in particular, Paul confronts the reality that "faith" that is not properly rooted in "Grace" invariably fails to produce the required "humility" that is at the very roots of any relationship, and specifically, a relationship with God. For Paul, a lack of "humility" is always evidenced by "boasting" and "boasting" is the direct result of a "legal" mindset. Thus, the presence of "boasting" is a direct contradiction of "faith in Grace". According to Romans 3:27, "the law of faith in Grace" destroys "boasting" so that if "boasting" is present, "faith in Grace" is not.

The conclusions we draw are, then, that, whether we are actually "secure" in Jesus Christ because we are the "called of God, foreknown and elect", we will not experience any real sense of that security at any point where "faith" falters (this is simply the reality that "faith" precedes "experience" -- even if we were shown the list of the elect and our names were revealed to be there, without "faith" we would dismiss the "list"), nor, if we are actually not "secure" in Jesus Christ because our "faith" is most fundamentally "legal", every sense of "security" that we were able to "drum up by comparing ourselves with 'broken branches'", would ultimately be a lie and a very real basis for legitimate "fear".

It is for these reasons that Paul continues to "press" any, and all, whose "faith-conclusions" are rooted in Law, to realize the danger that exists for them, and it is this "pressure" to which we return our thoughts this evening.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.