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Topic: Message Outlines: Chapter 8 (Include Audio)

Romans 8:10-16 (7)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 8 Paragraph # 2 Study # 7
September 11, 2007
Lincolnton, N.C.
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Thesis:   The leading of the Spirit has two major elements; His and ours.

Introduction:   We said in our study last week that the leading of the Spirit has been twisted by the adversary of our souls because of its superior impact. Clearly, if the resurrection power of God is applied to our lives by this "leading", there is nothing more potent for the production of Life both for us and for those whose experience is affected by ours. Just as clearly, if the resurrection power of God is applied to our lives, the adversary of our souls will be the one who is most affected because of the defeat resurrection power hands to Death. Therefore, it is a small step to the realization that if the adversary wishes to defeat us, he must twist our perception of the "leading" of the Spirit so that we think we are being "led" when we are, in fact, not even close.

This evening I want to explore the "twisting".

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.