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Topic: Luke's Perspective of Jesus: Ch. 5 Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Luke 5:27-32 (4)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 5 Paragraph # 4 Study # 4
July 8, 2007
Lincolnton, N.C.
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   Following Jesus creates multiple dilemmas that must be resolved by loyalty to Him above all.

Introduction:   In our unrecorded study last week we looked at the nature of Levi's reaction to Jesus' call. We saw that there are numerous problems with "following Jesus" if we do not understand what it means and what it does not mean. I fear that, as is always the case the longer the Gospel is involved in a given culture, the Gospel has been "reinterpreted" over the years so that it no longer means what it did when Jesus proclaimed it. It is that "reinterpretation" that we must honestly face if we are going to be disciples of Jesus.

This morning we are going to look at the significance of Levi's action in hosting a large reception for Jesus in his home. Why did Luke tell us of this large event? And, why did he refrain from telling us of the impact that this event had upon Levi's circle of influence? These are some of the questions that we will consider this morning in our Bible study. The issue of becoming one of Jesus' "followers" is an issue that brings many dilemmas into play that must be resolved.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.