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Topic: Luke's Perspective of Jesus: Ch. 6 Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Luke 6:20-49 (3)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 6 Paragraph # 5 Study # 3
October 14, 2007
Lincolnton, N.C.
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   The "blessedness" of being fully fed is reserved for the hungry.

Introduction:   In our study last week we looked into the declaration that the Kingdom of God is given to those who are "poor". We saw that this statement is a huge stumbling block to all the people in the world who are not "poor" in their own eyes because it denies to them any part in God's Kingdom. And it is a huge stumbling block to all the people in the world who are not "poor", but think they are, because they think they are qualified for a part in God's Kingdom, but are not.

It is a stumbling block partially because it is a deliberate and frontal attack upon one of the most fundamental, most deeply embraced, beliefs of man. Jesus' intention in His teaching, having descended from the mountain, was to set forth the actual nature of God's ultimate Truth for those who would at least begin to believe Him. To do that, He had to challenge the erroneous beliefs of the vast masses of humanity at the most basic levels. There is no more basic level of error than the belief that Jesus confronted by His statement that the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are "poor". The reason is that "poverty", from Jesus' point of view, has to do with an "attitude", not with the level of one's material resources. But, also from Jesus' point of view, the level of one's material resources is a direct contributor to the "attitude". The attitude is this: I have a right to Life. This attitude also has three complicating elements that come along with it: I also have a right to determine what "Life" is supposed to be; I have a right to determine how I am going to pursue it; and I have a right to use the money I have in that pursuit.

Folks, one of the greatest lies in God's universe was written into the Declaration of Independence of what has become the wealthiest nation in the history of the world and it was written there by men of wealth who paraded themselves around as "worshippers of Nature's God". That lie is this: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...". This is the same "line" that Lucifer used in his initial rebellion. It is the same "line" that Eve used in the Garden. It is the same "line" that Adam passed on to every one of his offspring. It is the same "line" that children use to justify their rebellion against their parents. And it is the same "line" that human beings will again use at the end of the Kingdom Age when they rebel in force against their God.

It is no wonder that Jesus, Who was most interested in preparing human beings for participation in the Eternal Kingdom of God, confronted this lie as the first of His declarations about the true nature of that Kingdom. There will be no one in that Kingdom who clings to this lie. The only human beings who will be in God's final Kingdom will be those who, recognizing they do not have a "right" to any of the blessings of God, come to Him as the beggars they are in humble appeal. It's no wonder Jesus was rejected of men.

It is also no wonder, however, that the very next statement that Jesus made is like unto the first. In this second statement Jesus declared that "hunger" qualifies men for future "fulfillment". By this declaration Jesus again confronted one of mankind's most basic delusions. Remember, it was Jesus' intention to confront the darkness that had come to characterize God's creation. To do that, He had to address the issues at the most basic levels. One of those levels is the contribution that material prosperity makes to the arrogance of man. Another of those levels is the contribution that having too much to eat makes to the double-mindedness of man.

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