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Topic: Message Outlines: Chapter 9 (Include Audio)

Romans 9:1-5 (7)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 9 Paragraph # 1 Study # 7
August 26, 2008
Lincolnton, N.C.
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Thesis:   With "the covenants" Paul turns from a focus upon the future to a focus upon the past and from a focus upon "expectations" to a focus upon "God's methods".

Introduction:   As we have considered Paul's description of Israel's "privileges" we have noted that his focus in "the adoption" and "the glory" has been upon what the future holds for those who have an established relationship with God. We saw in our study a couple of weeks ago that "the adoption" is a post-this-life event in which the Father declares His "child" to now be His "son" on the basis of having been sufficiently trained and matured to be able to "handle" the Father's "business" (His possessions and His objectives). The Bible says this "event" occurs at the point of "resurrection".

Then, last week we saw that the basis for this declaration of "sonship" is the process by which God communicates His "glory" to His children. The issue of "glory" is the issue of actual, fundamental, attributes and the communication of those attributes from Father to child is a multifaceted process, but the bottom line is that the child takes on the character of the Father. It is precisely because of the transformation of the child's flawed character into a mirror of the Father's balanced character that the Father is able to release the "inheritance" to the "son". We saw in that study that there are two major elements in "the glory": "degree" and "balance". The "degree" of glory that is communicated is dependent upon how effective the transfer is and what the rate of transfer is according to the issues of repentance. The "balance" of the transmitted glory will actually establish the position of the "son" in the Father's Kingdom.

This evening, with these "future" realities in our minds, we are going to follow Paul's next declaration of Israel's possessions: the covenants. What does it mean for Israel to have ownership of "the covenants"?

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