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Topic: Luke's Perspective of Jesus: Ch. 6 Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Luke 6:20-49 (30)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 6 Paragraph # 5 Study # 30
May 25, 2008
Lincolnton, N.C.
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   Addressing the faults of others without benefit for others in mind is hypocrisy.

Introduction:   We have been looking into Jesus' insistence that His disciples put the development of their Father's compassion at the top of their "Kingdom goals". We have said on several occasions that Luke's record of Jesus' words is a condensation of what Jesus had to say. Even if we take Matthew's record, which is three chapters long, there is no way that it is a complete record of what Jesus said. So, we are studying a divinely inspired summary every time we look into these historical records. And, if my take on Luke's record is correct, it, while being a condensation of Jesus' sermon, is, at the same time, an expansion of one principle: Luke 6:36.

This is not a novel idea. Paul said, in Galatians 5:14, that the entire Old Testament could be summarized in one commandment ... love your neighbor as yourself (a commandment, by the way, that is found in the words of Luke 6:31). The difference between Luke 6:31 and 6:36 is simply the difference between actions and motives.

Because the development of compassion is the issue, it is expected that Jesus would address the problems that might block that development. This is what we find Him doing in the section in which we find ourselves this morning. In our last two studies we have considered the issues of why a blind man would seek to be a guide to the blind, and why a disciple would seek to be superior to his teacher. In the former, we argued that there is an active seeking for the status of superiority in the arrogance of a blind person seeking to be known as a guide to the blind. In the latter we argued that, though there is some of that same arrogance in the disciple who would be known as superior to his teacher, there is a more foundational "problem" in the disciple: he is seeking a justification for departing from the teachings of his teacher.

This morning we are going to look at the last illustration that Jesus used in His attempt to remove the roadblocks to the development of compassion: the attempt to "correct" a brother who is having a problem "seeing" some truth. One would think that helping another see the truth with greater clarity would be a major aspect of the essence of "compassion". But, instead, in our text, it is a major hindrance. How so?

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