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Developing a Biblical Perspective

A collection of messages on Developing a Biblical Perspective
from Pastor Darrel Cline

(These articles are searchable.)

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  Developing a Biblical Perspective (Include Audio)   

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  Study # 1   Study # 24
  Study # 2   Study # 25
  Study # 3   Study # 26
  Study # 4   Study # 27
  Study # 5   Study # 28 - The Holy Spirit of the Promise - Part 1
  Study # 6   Study # 28 - The Holy Spirit of the Promise - Part 2
  Study # 7   Study # 28 - The Holy Spirit of the Promise - Part 3
  Study # 8   Study # 28 - The Holy Spirit of the Promise - Part 4
  Study # 9   Study # 29 - Why the Spirit was Given - The Inadequacy Gap - Part 1
  Study # 10   Study # 29 - Why the Spirit was Given - The Inadequacy Gap - Part 2
  Study # 11   Study # 30 - Why the Spirit was Given - The Distance Gap - Part 1
  Study # 12   Study # 30 - Why the Spirit was Given - The Distance Gap - Part 2
  Study # 13   Study # 31 - Why The Spirit was Given - The Ignorance Gap - Part 1
  Study # 14   Study # 31 - Why The Spirit was Given - The Ignorance Gap - Part 2
  Study # 15   Study # 31 - Why The Spirit was Given - The Ignorance Gap - Part 3
  Study # 16   Study # 32 - Why The Spirit was Given - How it Works - Part 1
  Study # 17   Study # 32 - Why The Spirit was Given - How it Works - Part 2
  Study # 18   Study # 33 - Why The Spirit was Given - Faith - Part 1
  Study # 19   Study # 33 - Why The Spirit was Given - Faith - Part 2
  Study # 20   Study # 33 - Why The Spirit was Given - Faith - Part 3
  Study # 21   Study # 34 - Why the Spirit was Given - Walking by the Spirit - Part 1
  Study # 22   Study # 34 - Why the Spirit was Given - Walking by the Spirit - Part 2
  Study # 23   Study # 34 - Why the Spirit was Given - Walking by the Spirit - Part 3

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