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Topic: The Will of God and the Will of Man

Study #4

by Darrel Cline

Broadlands Bible Church
September 27, 2023
(Download Audio)

Introduction:  In our initial study, we considered a definition of "the will" as an inherent attribute of God as well as created persons: our "definition" is, "the ability to make decisions that, when acted upon, determine a 'new' future reality". Because we live in a cause-and-effect universe that has, at its roots, the declared fact that if we sow, we shall reap what we have sown (Galatians 6:7), the exercise of the "will" as the making of a decision that is typically followed by the actions taken by the choice made brings the cause-and-effect reality into play. Because of the omniscience of God and His infinite wisdom, He permits all persons to exercise our volitions within certain boundaries.

Then, in our subsequent study, we considered the "always attending characteristic of the exercise of the will": the presence of options. In that study we began with the observable fact that created persons make choices and act upon them throughout all of their days. No action is taken without the exercise of the will, but a great host of the actions we take are already pre-programmed by previous exercises of the will. The point of this is to allow us to understand how we function in respect to the "will" in harmony with the reality of "progress into our experiences of life". If this pre-programming never occurred, we could never learn from a given "option/choice/action", and we would be immediately stymied by the myriad of situations that require that we "choose among options" and "take actions according to our choices". Jesus' declaration in Matthew 12:36 indicates that, no matter how the entire process works, men are responsible for every word they speak and will be given the opportunity to explain why they chose the words they chose when called to account.

Then we considered that the "will" is revealed by Scripture to be rooted, first, in the "love" of the person exercising the will, and second, in the actual "power" available to the person to take the actions that appear to be suitable to the "love". This means that the "will" is subject to the constraints of the "love", the "faith" of the person making the choice, and the "power" of the person seeking to accomplish what is "willed".

This evening we are going to pursue this issue of "constrained choices". If we are not given a choice, we simply enter into the progression of events in time as those events unfold upon us as the choices by "others" generate circumstances that sweep us along. But, if we are given a choice, the choice we make will invariably be in harmony with our "Love System" and our "Faith System".

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.