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Topic: Chapter 1: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

John 1:1-5 (3)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 1 Paragraph # 1 Study # 3
September 4, 2022
Broadlands, Louisiana
(Download Audio)

Thesis:   "Life" is the content of the "message" of "The Word" and it exists exclusively "in Him" as to Source and it is independent of any substitute "god".

Introduction:   Thus far in our studies of John's picture of Jesus, we have seen that John is absolutely focused upon Jesus as "Message" and "Messenger". As soon as there were created "persons", The Word began to make known to them what they needed to know in order to participate with Him in "The Life" which both "The Word" and "The Father" possess and share.

The beginning of "The Message" was the testimonial impact of every single created item. There is meaning, for the experience of "Life", in every specific created item and in the sum total of all that has been created. The primary "testimony" of creation is that God is infinite in power and wisdom. The creation is not infinite, but its massive size from quark to the boundaries of the entire created universe is as close as being a metaphor for infinity as man needs to begin to enter into the experience of "Life".

Clearly, from John's focus upon "The Word of The Life", "Life" is man's greatest experience of benefit as the outcome of being the privileged creatures of "The Living God". This morning, it is my goal to focus upon the significance of "The Message Concerning Life".

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