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Topic: Chapter 5: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Daniel 5:1-30 (2)

by Darrel Cline

Study # 2
November 27, 2022
Broadlands, Louisiana
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  God's resistance of the proud resulted in the death of the king and the dissolution of the Babylonian Empire.

Introduction:  In our last study we focused most of our attention to the historical issues involved in the second half of the chiastic structure of Daniel 2-7 which involves God's execution of His "resistance" to the proud. The first half of that chiastic structure was tilted toward "mercy" in God's dealings with an extraordinarily "proud" man. God gave Nebuchadnezzar a large overview of how the history of mankind was going to play out. Nebuchadnezzar responded with a display of a complete rejection of what God had shown him. Thus, God responded to the king with a severe disciplinary action by making him insane for seven years. But, mercy was shown in that God restored the kingdom to the king once he humbled himself and yielded to God's Truth.

This evening, we are going to look a bit further into the actual record in Daniel Five.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.