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Topic: Chapter 1: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

John 1:14-28 (4)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 1 Paragraph # 4 Study # 4
December 11, 2022
Broadlands, Louisiana
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  Jesus Christ came to address the "T"heological distortion that had been initially introduced in the Garden of Eden.

Introduction:  In our studies in the Gospel of John, we have seen that Jesus Christ, as the Creator of all things created, actually came into the world that He had created garbed in the "flesh" of humanity. This is the declaration of the Christmas season. As Creator, He was, is, and always will be "God"; Infinite Deity.

But, long before His coming, garbed in "flesh", a "problem" had entered His creation that, itself, became a "creator" of sorts: it created a situation in the hearts of men so that their knee-jerk, but powerful, response to Him was "rejection".

However, Author-John had come to know and believe that Jesus Christ had addressed this "problem" by His coming. This morning we are going to look into the second of two "results" of Witness-John's "loud cry" regarding The Word as "Infinite Deity". When men treat the claims of The Word as if they are simply assertions of men for the purpose of creating a new religion on the earth, they prove the "knee-jerk, but powerful" tendency of their hearts to reject their Creator God as if they, and not He, are the final arbiters of "Truth". Men are so arrogant: they propound the existence of "quarks" which they cannot see, nor create, and reject the Infinite Deity Who is required by reason to explain an entire universe of "quarks" made into every visible created thing that they accept and use every moment that they live and breathe. How did we get here in this beyond enormous arrogance of almost total blindness, and what solution is there for us?

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