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Topic: Chapter 1: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 1:2-8 (5)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 1 Paragraph # 2 Study # 5
October 2, 2018
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
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Thesis:   John's arrival upon the historical scene was a direct fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

Introduction:   In our last study we considered the question of why a "forerunner" has been set into the "type of meaning" that is involved in "the coming of the Lord". An interesting question that automatically arises when we realize that both the First Coming of Jesus and the Second Coming of Jesus have "forerunner" prophecies involved: why is there no "forerunner" before the "Rapture"? and, also, why the cautionary exhortations of Jesus regarding the "return" of the master of the house without warning? This question is outside of our considerations for the current text in Mark, but is a question to be held until a later study. I only raise it to remark on the fact that before Jesus descended to take on flesh, there was a forerunner, and there is a forerunner prophecy in respect to Jesus' return "in power and great glory" to "execute the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord". This "type of meaning" may well be a way to remove the "Rapture" from "The Second Coming" so that there is a lessening of the confusion in the meanings of those "comings".

But, the study for this evening is about how Mark presses his argument that "The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ" is doctrine rooted in divine omniscience as a testament to its legitimacy.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.