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Topic: Romans 12-14 Chapter Twelve: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 12:1-2 (8)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 12 Paragraph # 1 Study # 8
October 6, 2019
Humble, Texas
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   Paul declares that "the will of The God" can be viewed as "good", as "well-pleasing", and as "accomplishing His ends"; something that believers need very much.

Introduction:   In the two verses that we have been considering, it is beyond apparent that Paul was teaching that "believers" are under two very great "necessities": a deliberate presentation of themselves to God with no strings attached; and a pattern of "follow-through" that involves, on one hand, a rejection of the definitions of "Life" that the people of this age fully embrace and, on the other hand, a pursuit of a re-configuration of their lives through a thorough "renewing" of their "minds" beginning with an embrace of a whole new definition of the "mechanism(s)" of "Life".

These "two very great necessities" are deeply rooted in two most basic issues: 1) God has made "promises" to His people regarding the mechanics of "living"; and 2) God absolutely requires that His people "believe" those promises.

We have seen in Paul's "summons" that God does not expect us to "believe Him" without a solid foundation. This is the "point" of making "the mercies of The God" the viewfinder for the subsequent decisions. But, by the same token, Paul declares that God, having given such a foundation, is adamant that His promises be embraced.

In this "summons" by Paul there are two "issues of faith". The first is that, based upon the believer's experience of "the mercies of The God", "faith" in The God of those mercies must be exercised by the presentation and the follow-through. The second is that there is a further "promise" for those whose faith produces the presentation and follow-through: the "promise" that God's work through "mind-renewal" will result in the believer's ability to view "the will of The God" as it is revealed day by day to be "good", "well-pleasing", and "goal-accomplishing".

It is this second stage of "Promise" that we are going to look into this evening.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.