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Topic: Chapter 1: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

John 1:14-28 (11)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 1 Paragraph # 4 Study # 11
February 5, 2023
Broadlands, Louisiana
(Download Audio)

Thesis:  Witness-John's use of the conditions of the terrain of the wilderness to summon his audience to the building of a straight highway for the establishment of a relationship with God is powerful in that it tells us what such a relationship requires.

Introduction:  In our study last week, I tried to make a case for the use of the physical creation as a basis for understanding what I call "The Relational Creation". I rooted our attention in Isaiah's prophecies of a physical creation reality of a highway that will be built from Assyria to Egypt through Israel (Isaiah 19:23-25) so that we could understand Witness-John's use of that physical reality to address "The Relational Reality" in Isaiah 40:3 and its context. In Witness-John's "elevation" of the physical into the relational, we have a tried and true use of the physical as a basis for understanding the relational. This is most pronounced by Jesus' use of "parables" to set forth certain truths of the coming Kingdom of God.

However, there is a widespread and erroneous practice throughout current visible Christianity that was introduced early in the history of The Faith that argues that we should not take the prophecies of future physical realities "literally", but, rather, we should take them "spiritually". This is not what I am advocating by arguing for a "physical"/"relational" method of interpretation of the Scriptures. The difference between the false "spiritual" understanding and my "relational" understanding is this: those who take the "spiritual" interpretation approach deny the physical element and dismiss it; whereas my "relational" interpretation approach does not deny the physical element, but simply uses the obvious physical reality to illustrate the more nebulous relational reality. An example is this: those who interpret "spiritually" say the Church is "Spiritual Israel" and the promises made to Israel regarding physical things are not to be taken at face value. The result of this is the blatant denial of a coming Messianic Kingdom that will last a thousand years; that there will be no "Rapture", no "Tribulation", no "Earthly Messianic Kingdom", and no "thousand years" of a Kingdom on earth of righteousness, Peace, and Joy". And, if these interpreters are consistent, there will also be no physical highway from Assyria through Israel to Egypt.

The outcome of last week's study was to be this: we are to understand that John refused to preach anywhere but in the wilderness, because there is a very real subliminal, relational, impact made by the actual, physical environment which has an impact upon the hearers of the words spoken in that environment. Thus, when Witness-John compelled the "wilderness environment" for the setting of his message, he fully intended for the people to sense the likeness between the wilderness and the corruption of their hearts and minds. That's why he, while they were in the wilderness to hear his words, called them "a brood of vipers". He was using the physical presence of vipers in the environment to argue that the condition of their hearts and minds were just as "poisonous" as if they were the vipers of the wilderness.

This reality of the physical illustrating the relational is the foundation of our study this morning.

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