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Topic: Chapter 1: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 1:2-8 (9)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 1 Paragraph # 2 Study # 9
October 30, 2018
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   John's clothing and diet also point to his legitimacy as the fulfillment of the "preparer" prophecies.

Introduction:   The ancient biblical prophecies present a scenario in which the realization of God's promises regarding a coming Kingdom will be fulfilled because of the presence and activities of a "forerunner" who will "prepare" the people of God to accept His Christ as both His, and their, King.

In attempting to understand the message of God regarding His King through Mark, it will be helpful if we keep the big issues in mind as we seek to understanding the details. The big issues are two: for the promises of a "kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy" to exist and endure, a requirement exists that "people" be "prepared" to act in righteousness, live in peace, and exult in joy; and, simultaneously, a requirement exists for the environment of wickedness, aggressive conflict, and the rage of victim-hood to be destroyed.

In the initial stages of this scenario, a "shadow" reality was set up: a large mass of people had a "Law of Righteousness" imposed upon them; this mass was composed primarily of "brethren" who possessed a certain degree of familial harmony; and they were given a place to live that was filled with "milk and honey", vineyards and crops, and houses already built. Imposed upon them also was the task of, under God, purging the environment of wickedness, conflict, and rage. This "shadow" was just that: a shadow, not the reality. But, this "shadow" at least gave us certain parameters of expectation to guide us in our understanding of the myriad of details to come in "jot and tittle revelation" that was to be given over a period of something like 1500 years.

As it became necessary for the scenario to be "fleshed out" in historical developments, events took place and were accompanied by divine explanation. John's appearance on the world stage was one such "event" and Mark's words are at least a part of the divine explanation. Thus, we have been looking into Mark's argument that the appearance of John was long-anticipated by the prophets and that "this John" was a very real fulfillment of the words of those prophets.

In order to be able to "see" the significance of Mark's words, we have to grasp his "method". His "method" was to use the physical creation as a teaching guide for the relational creation, and his "spiritual mentor" was Isaiah who first introduced the analogies of both low and high geographical features of the land to set forth the low and high issues of relational conflicts between both God and men and men and men. In effect, he pointed to the "wilderness", with its tortured features that were designed to inhibit the progress of any travelers who found themselves within it, and said "your deceptive and corrupted hearts and minds are your 'wilderness' and that wilderness is inhibiting your progress in God's relational creation".

With these things in mind, we come to Mark's description of John's dress and diet.

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