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Topic: Romans 12-14 Chapter Twelve: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 12:6-8 (1)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 12 Paragraph # 3 Study # 1
November 10, 2019
Humble, Texas
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   We have all been given "grace" in the form of a "capacity to function for the sake of the Body" that we stand under as "humble" executors of that "grace", but there are many challenges.

Introduction:   As we have seen, every believer is summoned into the presence of God to make a presentation of his/her whole self to God without known reservations. In view of the larger picture of God's intentions in "grace", this is the actual beginning of our function as disciples. In Mark 3:14, coupled to Mark 1:16-20, we have Mark's presentation of the same basic thesis off of which Paul is now working: there is a period of time when the "assigned" are to be "with Jesus" (so that they might learn the content of the faith), and then there comes the period when those who have been "with" Him will be given their particular part in the "function" of "following Him" (so that the "faith" might become known).

Because of this "logic", Paul spent eleven chapters of his letter to the Romans making sure that there was a solid presentation of the truths of "the faith", and, having done that, turned in the twelfth chapter to the particular issues involved in "function".

The first "issue" involved in "function" concerns an "attitude". We looked into this in the three studies prior to this one. We saw that the root issue is "Grace" and the main "problem" is the believer's penchant to discard that "Grace" and turn his/her "actions" into a self-produced basis for self-exaltation.

To counter that "problem" Paul insists upon keeping "Grace" front and center so that no one begins to "think" foolishly. To do that, the "thinking" has to begin with the fact of God's fundamental dominion over the entire process by dispersing "faith" in various "measures" with the result that we all fulfill our particular destiny as His "Grace-objects". Then, with that beginning, we must also "think" in terms of "the necessities of creation reality": each member of the bodies of men/women are delegated by God to a particular function for the over-all performance of the body. The "delegation" of a "member" to a certain function is not up to any form of "volunteerism": the Spirit of God "divides to every man ... as He will" (1 Corinthians 12:11) as we are told in a similar manner in Mark 3:13 where Jesus "called those whom He wanted". That the "gifts/functions" are not up to us, but up to Him, is illustrated in Matthew 20:20-23 with an associated illustration of what losing sight of "Grace" does within the body in Matthew 20:24.

This evening we are going to pursue the beginning of Paul's instruction as to how we are to respond to this "Grace" of which we have received.

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