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Topic: Chapter 1: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

John 1:14-28 (13)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 1 Paragraph # 4 Study # 13
February 19, 2023
Broadlands, Louisiana
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Thesis:  Witness-John's testimony was that his "Pharisaical interrogators" lacked the prerequisite "humility" to even begin to understand his "baptism".

Introduction:  In our study last week we considered the fact that water baptism was the chosen method for identifying one's "doctrinal position". To submit oneself to baptism with water by someone who represents a most fundamental "doctrine" is to make a public claim of one's own agreement with that "doctrine". In the setting of Witness-John's baptism with water, the "doctrine" in view was the answer to the question of how one comes into a "forgiven" state with God. The "doctrine" of the Pharisees was that "a forgiven status with God" was an earned status that was rooted in a meticulous adherence to His commandments. The "doctrine" of John was that "a forgiven status with God" was a result of "repentance" (as understood by Isaiah). These "doctrinal positions" were completely contradictory to each other. The Pharisaical doctrine was rooted in the belief that God actually does not forgive the repentant, but the obedient. John's doctrine was that God actually does forgive the disobedient who are willing to admit their disobediences. NOTE WELL Luke 18:9-14.

This morning I want to look into Witness-John's answer to the Pharisaical interrogators to see what he was saying in his answer.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.