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Topic: Romans 12-14 Chapter Twelve: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 12:6-8 (4)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 12 Paragraph # 3 Study # 4
December 8, 2019
Humble, Texas
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   Those that are "gifted" to "teach" are expected to put a high priority on "teaching".

Introduction:   We are looking into Paul's first "body as a living sacrifice" application: the "ministry" of each believer's "gift(s)" to the Body of Christ. No one can "present his/her body to God as a living sacrifice" without being turned by the Spirit of God to God's priority in His giving of "gifts" to human beings for the sake of the building up of the Body of Christ, nor can anyone legitimately pursue the exercise of his/her "gift(s)" without first making this "presentation" because of the mercies of God.

What we have seen thus far is that Paul selects a group of seven "gifts" to make his point. He begins with "prophecy" and ends with "showing mercy". It cannot be that he just chose seven gifts willy-nilly. He has a "point" to make, and we looked in brief last time at the way he chose to go about revealing that "point" by the way he structured his words and sentences.

At the beginning of his effort to make his point, he highlighted "prophecy". By doing that, he was revealing just how necessary it is for all "body-as-a-living-sacrifice" activities to be founded solidly upon God's revealed "Truth". In 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 Paul declared how absolutely critical this "foundation" in "Truth" is as he actually said that any "gift function" that was not properly rooted was nullified by that lack of a proper foundation. Interestingly, however, in that text, it is not "Truth" per se that he emphasizes, but "Love". This simply reveals how critical is the opening issue of Romans 12: the "presentation" of a "body-as-a-living-sacrifice" to God as a response to His great mercies is nothing more, or less, than a top-tier demonstration of the "Love" that must undergird all perceptions of "Truth" ("Love" for God and, by extension, His agenda related to His "building up of the Church").

After "prophecy" comes "ministry"; a "gift" that is both a general umbrella over all "gifts" because all "gifts" are given to meet the needs of the Church, and a specific "gift" that focuses upon a special ability to both recognize the "needs" and take specific steps to address them. This does at least two things simultaneously: it makes "ministry" dependent upon "specific revelation from God" so that "needs" can be recognized and addressed; and it makes "addressing the needs of the people of God" the reason for the "prophecy-guided" exercise of all of the "gifts". In other words, God's "Truth" is fundamental for guidance and God's "Love" is the motivation behind that guidance so that the Church can genuinely profit in time and eternity from what God has "given" to the Body of Christ.

Next we come to the "gift" of "the one who teaches". This will be the focus for our study this evening.

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