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Topic: Chapter 1: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 1:16-20 (1)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 1 Paragraph # 6 Study # 1
January 8, 2019
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   Mark's presentation of Jesus' summons to four of His disciples is the last part of his "introductory" themes as he sets the stage for understanding The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Introduction:   In our last study, we considered Mark's presentation of Jesus' "Gospel". We saw that it was a message greatly opposed by those in authority (John was imprisoned). We saw that it was "Gospel" in that it announced both the "nearness" of the promised kingdom (the time has been fulfilled; the kingdom is "at hand") and the methodology of entrance into it (repent and believe). And we saw that the issues of "repent" and "believe" are inseparable as necessities for God's willingness to make people heirs of His Kingdom.

It may well help us to grasp the distinction between these two necessities. "Repentance" is the "relational key" to any legitimate approach to God for acceptance, and God "forgives" all who approach Him on this basis. "Faith" is the "foundational doctrinal key" to the promise of God to "forgive". "Repentance" without "Faith" does not endure, and "Faith" without "Repentance" does not grant reconciliation to God.

Now, having considered John's presentation of Jesus, we have our attention turned to His summons to four men who became "disciples".

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.