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Topic: Romans 12-14 Chapter Thirteen: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Romans 13:1-7 (1)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 13 Paragraph # 1 Study # 1
August 16, 2020
Humble, Texas
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   Paul's focus in his instructions regarding the believer's necessary response to the dictates of human, civil, authorities is upon both "the soul of man" and the issue of "authority".

Introduction:   According to Jesus' declaration in Matthew 10:28, there are few, if any, issues more important to human beings than the destiny of the "soul". Because the issue of the "soul" is the question of "security", "fear" is one half of the "soul's" necessary focus, and Jesus pointedly said that men are not to be fearful of man's ability to "kill the body" because "man" cannot "kill the soul". Instead, Jesus said that men are to "fear" the One Who has the ability "to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna". Additionally, in our current text, Paul emphasizes the need for believers to be in subjection to governing authorities because what is at risk is both "judgment" (13:2) and "wrath" (13:4, 5) because of a rejection of the ordinance of God.

Admittedly, this is a complex issue, made so by the fact that though God has ordained human, civil, authority, He has also ordained that His people make sure that when those "ordained civil authorities" go beyond the "ordination of God" and exercise "authority" to require men to violate Divine Authority, they reject the "excesses" and remain true to the "legitimate" Authority of God. It is even more complex because, in the exercise of human "authorities", there exists a wide range of "authority" with all but one of the civil authorities being in subjection to "lesser authorities". So, the issue is complex and we will see how Paul weaves his teaching in and around the complexities as we go through his words in this text/context.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.