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Topic: Chapter 4: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

John 4:4-30 (3)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 4 Paragraph # 2 Study # 3
March 3, 2024
Broadlands, Louisiana
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Thesis:  Jesus relentlessly pursued His "food".

Introduction:   In our study last week, our focus was upon Jesus' initial response to the "need": He is coming into the city of The Samaritans. This response was described within the context of the particular situation in Samaria. The city's name is given as Sychar, but the Old Testament records say it was Shechem. That Sychar is a word that arises from the issue of someone drinking strong alcoholic drinks signals that one of the issues was of Sychar was drunkenness. which is a description of people who are dealing with "life" by means of an excessiveness of "drinking alcoholic drinks". At issue here is the fact that they are attempting to "deal with life", but its details are too much for them, so they seek an escape. The other issue of Sychar is its reputation as Joseph's heritage, which contained the well which Jacob had dug. But, over time, the "well" had turned into a "cistern". This became a significant metaphor for the loss of the inhabitants of the city of a "real well". Their focus upon their heritage gave them "religion", but the losses over time had put a large distance between them and God. This gives us a key principle regarding God's view of men's needs: John 3:17.

This morning we are going to consider what Author-John and the Holy Spirit decided to tell us regarding Jesus' "coming into" this city.

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