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Topic: Chapter 3: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 3:1-6 (3)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 3 Paragraph # 1 Study # 3
September 17, 2019
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
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Thesis:   Jesus met the hardness of the Pharisees' hearts with a determination to render to them what they deserved.

Introduction:   In our last study we saw that "they" watched Jesus like a hawk to see if He would heal a man with a withered hand on the sabbath so that "they" could bring legal charges against Him. We also saw that Jesus fairly addressed the "issue" of whether "sabbath loyalty" included "doing good" and/or "doing harm". He called it, "saving a soul" or "killing one". And we saw that His "fair" address was rooted in "their" accepted practices within the realm of "sabbath loyalty": they had no problem addressing "emergency" issues of "good works" on the sabbath as well as "non-emergency" issues, nor did they have any problem with "killing" on the sabbath as they had accepted the "logic" of the Maccabeans regarding waging war on the sabbath for self-defensive reasons. And, we argued that the "they" were the Pharisees that are mentioned in 3:6, but we probably ought to include a "Herodian" or two in that "they".

This evening we are going to look further into Mark's record so that we may understand his "answer" to the large question of how Jesus could be God's Messiah and not be accepted as such by the majority of those whose task it was to lead the nation.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.