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Topic: Chapter 4: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 4:10-12 (1)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 4 Paragraph # 2 Study # 1
February 11, 2020
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
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Thesis:   An element of "the mystery of the Kingdom of The God" is that there are "those around Him" and there are "those who are without".

Introduction:   In our study last week, I asked you to make the attempt, in all of your studies of the Bible's records, to set aside what you think you already know and what "theology" you think is true when you approach the words of God. My primary reason for making this request is that a great deal of every person's "theology" is not rooted in "Truth", but "preference", and the only way God can "renew our minds" (Romans 12:2) is if we are willing to be "corrected" by His words.

Now, this request is not "about" the time when we are not studying the words of God, but, instead, are going about our living. When we are going about our living, we must assume that what we "think is the Truth" actually is the "Truth" so that our "living" is "by faith". In God's mind, He actually prefers that we are convinced of a lie when we are attempting to "live" than that we go about in a blind fog, not being sure of anything. He is more "pleased" by those who "live by faith", even when they are wrong, than He is by those who refuse to commit to anything because it might not be "True". In other words, God is more "pleased" with His adversaries who are adamant about what they "believe" than He is by agnostics who simply use their agnosticism as an excuse to be "uncommitted". Jesus said to the Laodiceans that His preference, when faced with unbelief, was that a person be "stone cold" toward Him rather than "lukewarm" (Revelation 3:15).

With this reality in mind, we are going to continue to consider the parable of the results of the sowing of the seed. We looked at the words of the parable last time; this evening we are going to look at the words caught between the parable and Jesus' explanation of it.

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This is article #142.
If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.