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Topic: Chapter 4: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 4:21-23 (1)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 4 Paragraph # 4 Study # 1
June 9, 2020
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   The next parable of Jesus regarding "the mystery of The Kingdom of The God" addresses the divine purpose for the proclamation of the Word as a "Lamp" that shines into the darkness in order to reveal truth that has been "hidden" heretofore.

Introduction:   In our studies thus far, we have considered "the parable of the reasons for the responses of men to the proclamation of The Word". This is a most fundamental revelation to those disciples who will be "sowers of The Word" so that they, themselves, may be fruitful in that regard. What we have seen thus far in the parables of Mark 4 is that there are specific reasons for the responses of men to The Word and that the "sowers" are to disallow those responses to inhibit their "sowing" of "The Word". Jesus declared that this was the most basic "truth" that would allow a greater understanding for the disciples as they were exposed to further "truths" that would be contained in the parables to follow.

This evening we have come to the second of Jesus' parables: that of the Lamp.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.