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Topic: Chapter 5: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 5:1-20 (6)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 5 Paragraph # 1 Study # 6
December 29, 2020
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
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Thesis:   The reasonings of the unclean spirits as they face Jesus' authority.

Introduction:   In our last study we considered Mark's presentation of the unclean spirits' recognition of Jesus' absolute authority over them. As we have said multiple times now, this was Mark's conclusive argument for "faith" in Jesus as the Mighty Coming One (1:7) whose message was "The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of the God has drawn near; repent and believe in The Gospel" (1:15). Absolute authority is the ultimate foundation for that Kingdom. There can be no kingdom that can endure if it exists on a foundation of competing agendas and methods: a kingdom divided against itself cannot endure (3:24); a principle that exists across the entire spectrum of relational reality (from a "kingdom" down to the smallest part, a "house": 3:25). There will be no final experience of the fulness of "The Life" God has intended from the beginning until every oppositional force has been deprived of every portion of resistance within it (Luke 20:43). Mark's focus upon "repent and believe in the Gospel" is his focus upon the positive aspect of this principle: turning enemies into friends.

The study before us this evening is a continuation of Mark's presentation of the alternative aspect of that principle: subduing the intransigent enemies. Mark sought to exalt the authority of Jesus over the unclean spirits as primary elements of the oppositional kingdom, which not only had the seeds of the destruction of itself within itself (3:26), but also threatened the enduring existence of Christ's Kingdom by the principle of the inevitable demise of every kingdom divided against itself.

In this attempt to exalt the absolute authority of Jesus as King of The Kingdom of The God, Mark determined to reveal to us the underlying attitudes of the opposition. So, let us consider the words of the unclean spirits as they "run in a determined way" toward Jesus to attempt to head off His imposition of His authority over them.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.