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Topic: Chapter 5: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 5:21-43 (9)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 5 Paragraph # 2 Study # 9
April 19, 2021
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
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Thesis:   There is a significant complication in the actions of "faith" of the woman who differentiated, to her own advantage, the various biblical revelatory texts in respect to her situation to which we must give thought.

Introduction:   At the end of our last study we addressed the issue of the woman's intentional, and deliberate, contravention of a biblical text that addressed her situation directly: Leviticus 15:19-27. I made the argument that Jesus, Himself, recognized, and taught, and highlighted the fact that there are often situations in the complexities of the lives we live that put various texts of Scripture in tension with one another. Perhaps the greatest example in all of Scripture that highlights this reality is the one Paul addressed in Romans 3:26. This desire of God to be demonstrably both "just" and "justifier" pushed the conundrum to the most extreme limits of the divine glory of which man could conceive: the Cross. Add to that, the issue of Romans 9:22 that, unlike the Romans 3 text, gives a very large number of men serious cases of heartburn, proving that when men benefit from the divine "solution" they make no complaint, but as soon as "men" will carry the weight of the divine solution into a decidedly negative eternity, the eruptions of objections are easily anticipated. Often "John 3:16" is seen in the public square and most people don't give it a second thought; however, I have never seen a sign held up at a sports event that read "Romans 9:22". The reason is not hard to discern.

My point is this -- given such a "theological" tension, men invariably go with the text with which they are most comfortable. This is what the woman did. But, what she did is commended by Jesus. This means that He was saying, "she got it right".

This evening we are going to look into this issue in this text a bit further.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.