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Topic: Chapter 6: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 6:1-6a (1)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 6 Paragraph # 1 Study # 1
June 8, 2021
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   This last paragraph in this subsection of Mark's record winds up his focus upon Jesus' preparation of The Twelve with a particular focus upon God's non-negotiable by way of contrast.

Introduction:   Those who were responsible for the verse, paragraph, and chapter divisions that exist in our Bibles made two errors in their task. First, they separated the "final story" of the subsection of Mark's record from the preceding material as if there was a major change of subject. Second, they divided 6:6 from 6:7 at the wrong place. Mark's focus for 6:6 was to establish the impact of "unbelief" as a contrast to the impact of "faith". The last part of 6:6 that has to do with Jesus going around to the villages belongs with 6:7 as an expression of the fulfillment of Jesus as to "purpose" (1:38) and as a transition from Jesus' fulfillment of this "purpose" to His commission to The Twelve to carry on this "purpose". This is a small "point", but it is a part of Mark's attempt to give us a legitimate picture of Jesus and His method for accomplishing His "purpose".

This focus upon "purpose" is "ground zero" in a large part of Paul's presentation of the theology of the Gospels as we see from Romans 8:28: all things are "worked together unto good" for those who are "called according to purpose". Thus, Mark's record falls into this issue of "purpose" in a way that makes it imperative for us to seek to understand his "purposes" in the way he puts his material together.

Therefore, as we look into this paragraph at the end of an entire subsection of Mark's record, we will be looking for his "purpose" as well as how he seeks to accomplish it.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.