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Topic: Chapter 6: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 6:1-6a (6)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 6 Paragraph # 1 Study # 6
July 13, 2021
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
(Download Audio)


Thesis:   The rejection of Jesus by the people most familiar with Him was totally unsupportable.

Introduction:   In our study last time I put our focus upon the "mental panic" of the people in Nazareth who were hearing Jesus' teaching with a clear understanding that He was totally contradicting the roots and fruits of the theology of the "synagogue". Their "panic" was generated by the undeniable facts of Jesus' "credentials" as "The Teacher" as those facts collided with what they "had believed all their lives" as students of the "synagogue". The facts were: His "things" (teachings) had to have a "source" that could explain how His words came across as "authoritative" so that their question was "Where do His teachings come from?"; His "wisdom" made more sense than anything they had ever heard so that their question was "What is this wisdom?"; and "How did the powers of His works come to be His?" But, the "official position" of the teachers of the synagogues, as it was delivered from Jerusalem, was that the overall answer to the three questions was "the Archon of the Demons". Thus, the "facts on the ground" were in total contradiction to the "officials of Israel" and real and dangerous consequences were in play for whatever decision was to be made by the individuals in the synagogue. The "major" issue was one: can I live with being a complete outcast in my setting in life? Mark, here, revealed that his most basic thesis for his Gospel is that Jesus demands a "repentance" that is focused upon the potent "lust" for the good opinions of one's fellow human beings. This means that Jesus made it very plain that mankind is being eaten alive by their appetite for status in the eyes of men, and that His call for a "repentant faith" is a call to realize the potency of the temptation to seek honor in the eyes of men and to call upon God for deliverance from this "more-than-men-can-handle" delusion.

Now, this evening, we are going to look into the decision they made.

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If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.