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Topic: Chapter 6: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 6:30-44 (7)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 6 Paragraph # 4 Study # 7
January 11, 2022
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
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Thesis:   The setting of the feeding of five thousand men was "green grass" (significant new growth having appeared) and "reclining in groups of hundreds and fifties" (martial array) so that we might see that Jesus was doing something that would be "seminal" in its meaning and impact.

Introduction:   In our studies of Mark's record of Jesus' instruction to The Twelve to prepare the massive crowd to eat bread and fish, we have already seen that there is an extreme distinction between Jesus' attitude and purpose and that of the disciples. We have already mentioned several times the importance of Jesus' two feedings of large multitudes as a "key" to a very important aspect of turning "fishers of fish" into "fishers of men", and, more specifically, "self-centered disciples" into "compassion-driven apostles". Given that these two "feedings" are that critical for proper understanding and development, we need to be careful to "see" the details that are given to us in this divine "Word".

Last week we saw the link between the "bottom line" concept of "repentance" and Jesus' insistence that The Twelve Apostles be forced to see their task as "impossible with men". Being in a place where one is commanded to do something he/she is totally incapable of doing is the beginning of "repentance" in that the beginning is the humiliation of recognizing one's absolute need for God's presence and activity in "Life". It is no accident that Mark records that The Twelve had one message when they were sent out to preach and to cast out unclean spirits: "repent". It is also no accident that these twelve were confronted on the level of "eating" as a most necessary factor in living/Living.

Now, this evening we are going to look into the "preparatory" elements in the provision for the great crowd to "eat". Given the fact that "eating" only has one other absolute necessity attending it for "Life" ("drinking"), it is imperative that we "get the point". [It is interesting that Mark says far less about "drinking" than he does about "eating": theologically that is because one "drinks" by "repenting unto forgiveness" and, afterward, "eating" is the major issue because that is all about getting true doctrine established in mind and heart.]

So what are Mark's "hints" to which we must give our attention? For our study this evening, the "hints" are "the green grass" and "the order established by organizing hundreds and fifties".

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