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Topic: Chapter 6: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 6:45-52 (1)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 6 Paragraph # 5 Study # 1
February 1, 2022
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
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Thesis:   The reason for Jesus' sense of urgency after feeding 5,000 men was the reality of the damage that is always done when men are motivated by their own misguided appetite for authority over others.

Introduction:   In our studies of the previous paragraph, we were shown the true issues of the Truth of Jesus' identity as a "shepherd" Who saw the people as "sheep without a shepherd". We saw that, as the "Good Shepherd", He insisted upon addressing the real "needs" of others at the expense of personal "wants" (John 10:11/Psalm 22): this was the first aspect of the picture Mark presented in his words. We also saw that, as the "Chief Shepherd", He was focused upon the reward that is in His hand that is to be given to faithful "under-shepherds" (1 Peter 5:4/Psalm 24): this is the second aspect of the picture Mark presented as He deals with misguided disciples who can never be faithful under-shepherds unless they, like Him, are moved by "compassion" to make the sacrifices that are necessary because of the "needs" of God's sheep. And we saw that, as the "Great Shepherd", He was insistent upon revealing the methodology that would turn "disciples" into "faithful under-shepherds" (Hebrews 13:20/Psalm 23): this is the third aspect of Mark's picture of Jesus as He sets an impossible task before The Twelve and then goes through the process of showing them how He will provide the ability to "under-shepherds/apostles" so that they may actually "do" what will qualify them to be rewarded by Him in the Day Of Judgment to come. Mark's particular focus was upon this last aspect of Jesus as "The Shepherd of The Sheep" as his "details" are mostly concerned with miraculously providing the loaves and fish that The Twelve, then, distributed among the thousands in fulfillment of His command, "You give something to them to eat". This is the major task of every shepherd: to "feed" the sheep. It is both "impossible to men" to do, but also "impossible for men" to sidestep. By His provision, under-shepherds can do His will and, by that, be qualified for His reward when He comes as "The Chief Shepherd".

Now, as we turn to the next paragraph, we are immediately confronted by Mark's record of Jesus' intensity in regard to His compelling The Twelve to leave the area and in regard to His sending the crowd away. For our study this evening, we are going to consider what was at the root of these two actions.

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