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Topic: Chapter 7: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 7:1-23 (6)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 7 Paragraph # 1 Study # 6
May 10, 2022
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
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Thesis:   Jesus condemned those who were condemning Him by exposing their behavior as that of the grossly wicked.

Introduction:   In our studies of "what was wrong with the Pharisees and the Jewish religion of the first century", we have seen that they had diligently twisted the meaning of the words of God so that they could use those words to deceitfully pursue a wicked agenda. They, Jesus said, "were of their father the devil" (John 8:44) and the proof of this identity was in their attitude toward Him.

In Mark's record, these leaders of the religion of the Jews (7:3) were identified by Jesus as "hypocrites" who exactly fit Isaiah's words when he described them as using their lips to "honor" Yahweh while following their hearts in maintaining a great distance from Him. "Reconciliation" is the message of the Gospel, rooted in the promise of forgiveness through biblical repentance, and these "leaders" had no interest of any kind in being reconciled to God.

Biblically, this lack of interest was revealed early in the formation of the nation. (Note Deuteronomy 5:27-29) and, according to the declaration of Stephen, was steadfastly maintained throughout the wilderness wanderings (Acts 7:39-43.) That Isaiah's declaration was 7-800 years later only proves that what Moses and Stephen declared was the continuing default attitude through every generation.

It is Mark's intention to expose this hatefulness so that his readers could easily see that all of the opposition of the leaders was corrupt at its core. And that raises the question: What was that core? In our study this evening we will see the answer to that question.

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