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Topic: Chapter 9: Message Outlines (Include Audio)

Mark 9:9-13 (1)

by Darrel Cline

Chapter # 9 Paragraph # 2 Study # 1
February 7, 2023
Moss Bluff, Louisiana
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Thesis:  Mark's use of the "descent" of the disciples from the mountain is a summons to his readers to prepare themselves to use God's "untypical" activities as an anchor for their faith.

Introduction:  In our last study we considered the text in view of the disciples' extraordinary privilege in being shown the Kingdom of God after it had come in power. That this made an indelible impression upon them for the rest of their lives is revealed by Peter in 2 Peter 1:16-18. That this was the reason for the privilege is given a strong foundation in the fact that in the Old Testament the people of God are regularly summoned to "remember" the extraordinary phenomena of God's deliverance of the nation from Egypt; an event that only that generation witnessed as it happened.

In our study this evening, we are going to see how this remarkable privilege was designed to "play out" in the light of the opposition of the "ordinary" to faith in God's revelation in words.

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This is article #378.
If you wish, you may contact Darrel as darrelcline at this site.