The Pastor's Study

Pastor Darrel Cline

"Be transformed
by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove
what the will of God is."
Romans 12:2

Essays and Topical Studies
  296 articles on various Biblical topics
    The newest article is Thanksgiving
  6 messages on Lordship Salvation vs. Free Grace
  12 messages on Will of God / Will of Man
  46 messages on Developing a Biblical Perspective
  4 pages on Poverty
Bible Studies (Audio Available)
In the descriptions below, "messages" indicates that there are message outlines with audio; "pages" indicates that there are separate study notes and message outlines. In those cases, the count is about twice as high as the number of messages.
  509 pages (so far) on Mark's Presentation of Jesus
  100 messages (so far) on John's Presentation of Jesus
  41 messages (so far) on Another Look at Paul's Message of Motivating Hope (1 Thessalonians)
  60 messages (so far) on The Revelation of Jesus Christ
  25 messages on Another Look at Daniel
  619 pages on Luke's Perspective of Jesus (1:1 - 9:50)
  591 pages on Paul's Message of Good News (Romans 1-12)
  116 pages on Paul's Teaching on Sanctification in Romans 6-8
  146 pages on Paul's Clarification of God's Larger Plan in Romans 9-11
  148 pages on Paul's Challenge to Live 'in the Mercies of God' in Romans 12-14
  310 pages on Paul's Message of Legitimate Faith (Galatians)
  146 pages on Paul's Message of Motivating Hope (1 Thessalonians)
  72 pages on Paul's Clarification of His Message of Motivating Hope (2 Thessalonians)
  77 messages on The Letter From James
Bible Studies (Notes and Outlines Only - No Audio)
  100 pages on Paul's First Letter to Timothy
  58 pages on Peter's Message of True Grace (1 Peter 1:1 - 3:12)
  Georgetown Prophecy Conference (2002)
  17 pages on Daniel
Illustrations of Selected Truths
  17 Illustrations
Online Books
  The Stuff of Martyrs
  The Election of Grace
  Mark's Picture of Jesus
  The Rapture is When?